I'm already planning which series will come next: the Henry Huggin's set or maybe it will be Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing and Super Fudge (by Judy Blume)! I can't even tell you how fun it is to have a kid who is getting into "chapter books"! It's so, so, so much fun!
It's so cool that all these chacters from my childhood are just sitting there waiting to be part of my son's childhood. And just think - I have another little one who I will get to share this fun all over again with in a couple of years.
I am so lucky! :)
We have a few books that are now into the 3rd generation ... mine or my children's father's childhood books that are in the ands of our grandchildren. Yes, it feels very good. And I'm rooting for a 4th generation reading of them, too!
Oh, dear. "...in the Hands of..."
Oh I LOVE all the books you mentioned. All the Judy Blume and Beverly Cleary tales. My sis and I also loved the book "The Boxcar Children". Check it out. I can't wait til Froggy is out of the cardboard books and into the chapter ones! Although I'm enjoying Goodnight Moon and Peek-a-boo too!
Lynilu: Books. They sure do cross the generational (is that a word? Seems like it should be.) lines, don't they? Kelton has a couple books from my grandmother's home that once belonged to my father that my grandmother read to me whenever I would spend the night. There is comfort in books like that. :)
FroggyMama: I've never read "The Boxcar Children" I have heard of it, now that you mention it. I'll look into it. Kaylen, too, is still into the board books and I do love them too. Bittersweet on that point because once the board books are outgrown, they will be gone from our house forever...or at least until my kids have kids. *sigh*
OMG Casey I heart those books too! I read the Boxcar Children too! Also the Betsy & Tacy books and Strawberry Girl all by Lois Lenski are good ones also.
I do love Good Night Moon and The Runaway Bunny in cardboard books. And all of the Five Little Monkey Books. Books are my "crack" I guess ;)
I loved Beverly Cleary when I was a kid and read every Judy Blume book I could get my hands on - many times. Both Kim and I love reading and we've been reading to Erik a lot lately. I hope he loves books as much as we do - we've already started buying him all our favourites from when we were kids!
Isn't it wonderful to break into the world of chapter books? I haven't read the one you posted. We are on book 16 of the Magic Treehouse series. Corinne just loves them and she's learning so much about history.
The Magic Treehouse series? I've never heard of those, but I love sound of them! Will have to go look up on Amazon!
Love reading books to the kids!
I loved hearing the Kelton is at the stage of loving read aloud chapter books!! I know I got so excited whtn Rowan and Gemma each crossed into this phase. We still do a ton of read aloud here, even though Rowan is a very skilled reader and we also love audio books for the car. Even though she's read it herself, Rowan asked if we could do the Boxcar Children as a read aloud and it was so great. Now we're back to Harry Potter and eragon and such things, but the delve back into my childhood authors was a blast.
Hope you two continue to cherish this time.
Oh I love those books! I especially loved the cartoon on Saturday mornings! I can't wait until my little guy wants to read chapter books.
I loved her books! :)
I have to admit I don't remember the book you posted. I do however remember Judy Blume. Love her!
Patti_Cake: I love that line! I have to say, I think books are Kaylen's crack. Man oh man does she love books. ALL books! :)
Shannon: I bet he will love books and reading as much as you do. :)
Perrin: Dakota looked up the Magic Treehouse series and instantly loved it! She is planning to order the first set tomorrow so it will be ready when her summer break starts (in May). Thanks for the lead!
Dakota: I still can't believe you never read Mouse and the Motorcycle. It's fun to share the nights chapter with you when you get home. Not the same as reading it but at least you know what is happening in the book. :)
Denise: Thanks! I'm looking forward to reading aloud to the kids for MANY years to come!
SeasonalKat: I git sucked into that tonight. :) So he got a chapter and a half...I enjoyed it as much as he did and it was so much fun to hear "ONE more, mom? PLEASE!!!!" :)
Merr: I didn't realize it had been a cartoon. That's cool! And welcome to my blog. :)
Stacey: Me too!
Brenda: Check it out from the library. I bet Carson would love it! :)
I will second the Magic Treehouse Books! Piper loves them. Each chapter ends with a little mini cliffhanger and we love to speculate on what will happen next.
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