Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Tent

I'm hot and I'm sweaty but the tent is up.

I decided last night that I would wait until Thursday to put it up but due to circumstances beyond my control, it went up today.

The circumstances? The children have been arguing and fighting over who gets to have Dakota put them to bed. Last night all four of us squished into Kaylen's queen sized bed because we just couldn't work out another solution. They are both so needy for her. As Kaylen settled in she said "I feel safe with both my moms. I don't feel safe with only one."

Hmmm....I wasn't sure how to take that one. I know what she means but still. I think I've done a pretty good job of helping her feel safe for the past...well...all her life. Still - I get it. She misses her other mom. And so does Kelton. And neither one of them can get enough of her. Enough of me, yes. Her? No.

When the tears started again today about who would get to be put to bed by her I decided I would put up the tent and push the air mattresses together. Dakota can sleep in the middle of the kids. It made them both happy until Kelton realized that it was just a short term solution to which I said "But it works for now so let's just go with it."

Four nights in the tent? I'm not sure how I feel about it but it makes the children happy so I will suck it up and do it for their sake. This is their childhood, not mine, and it should be filled with happy memories.


Ree said...


Tanya said...

Talk about pulling on the heart strings. I get the daddy is never going to be finished with school.