Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The Best April Fool's Day EVER!

I've never really enjoyed April Fool's Day but since having kids it has taken on a whole new meaning. Kelton started to "get" what it was all about two years ago with his favorite trick being to add salt to water and tricking us into drinking it.

We took it to a whole new level this year!

A couple days ago he and I plotted and schemed about how we could get Dakota. We came up with going to see her at work and kidnapping her for lunch at Burger King (it has a HUGE playland for the kids and we only go to this particular location when we visit Dakota since it's just down the hill from her office). We decided we would tell Dakota that we were going to go to the mall and hang out for the day (something we used to do often) when in reality we would drive up to her office and surprise her.

I couldn't tell the kids I did this of course, but I had called Dakota in advance to find out what day this week would be best for her to have visitors and we decided that April 1st would be perfect which is when I started hatching plans. (So my dear children...when you read this someday, and I know you will, please know that it wasn't done to ruin your fun. It was done to enhance it.)

Anyway, we started telling Dakota of our mall plan yesterday and Kelton was very convincing.....frighteningly so. :) This morning he again called her to let her know we would be going to the mall. For her part, she played along perfectly. The kids worked on getting their pranks ready: the salt water was a must but this year we added fake spiders and a fruit snack pack that was carefully opened, emptied and resealed with cut carrots inside.

We drove to her office and snuck in.....the kids raced through her office door and yelled "APRIL FOOL! We got you!" and laughed hysterically. Kaylen, right on cue, looked up and said "Mama - you look thirsty. Would you like a drink of water?" Dakota said she did and took a drink of the salty water and made a terrible face. The kids were beside themselves with laughter.

Then Kelton brought out the fruit snack pack and offered it to her. She took it and was surprised to find carrots inside. Again, the laughter. Then Kelton put the spiders on her desk for her to find. She did...and again they laughed.

It was so cute. :)

We spent a little time at the office and then headed out to Burger King for lunch and play time. Around 1pm we rounded up the kids and told them we had to get mom back to work. They groaned and complained but knew they had no choice.

We dropped Dakota off and headed back home. We were almost to our exit when I "suddenly" remembered I had to go to the bank - which is downtown. I pulled into the parking garage near where the bank is "now located" and parked. The kids looked at the car next to us and said "Hey - that's mom's car!" I said "No - it can't be. Mom's at work, remember?" Oh right - they remembered. But why was a Stitch antenna ball on that car? And why was there a pink car seat like Kaylen's in it?

I didn't have any answers to give so I just said "I guess maybe she had to come to the bank too." We got out of the car and started walking to where the bank had "recently moved".

Only...............the bank hadn't recently moved and it was indeed Dakota's car they saw! Dakota popped out and yelled "April Fool's!" and showed them the movie tickets she had already purchased for the movie "Monsters vs Aliens".

That's right, my friends. The kids and I may have fooled Dakota but Dakota and I fooled the kids! She took the afternoon off from work and the evening off from school and we all went to the movie together!

Not only was it a fun movie - it was a fun day!

I hope you enjoyed your April Fool's Day as much as we did.


Unknown said...

That sounds like a fantastic day! I am completely jealous over your wonderful and happy family! :) Your kids are terrific! Jeri

Mimi said...

OMG days like this you will rememeber for EVER....

Caroline said...

Sounds like it was a great day and one that Kaylen and Kelton will probably always remember.

Lynilu said...

That's fun! I like April Fool's jokes that have a happy ending, like these. Too many people do jokes that scare or embarrass, and that sucks. Good for you guys!

Tanya said...

How sweet!!! Very lucky family you all are. :)

Sheri said...

I'm a day behind in reading, but that has to be the BEST April Fool's day I've ever heard of!!! KUDOS to all of you for your parts. And, and I wouldn't be surprised if there aren't a few Oscar-nominees in your clan somewhere down the line.

Monogram Queen said...

I didn't enjoy April Fools Day per se (except the hubs birthday celebration was great) but I LOVED sharing your April Fools Day! I love a good prank!

Melanie said...

I LOVE this story!!! :) What an awesome day for the recordbooks!! :)