Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It's a Me-Me!

I was tagged by Caroline for a Me-Me. I don't usually participate in these since well - I have a hard time coming up with things about myself but today I thought "Why not." Aren't you feeling lucky that you stopped by? :)

Here are the rules:1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Leave a comment on their blog so that their readers can visit yours.
3. Post the rules on your blog.
4. Share the seven (7) most famous or infamous people you have met. Or go with the original 7 weird things about yourself.
5. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post.
6. Include links to their blogs.
7. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. (Hmmm...I think I'll skip this part. That way they have no pressure. If you see your name here and you want to play - or heck, even if you don't see your name here and you want to play - then go for it!)

Dang. That's a lot of rules.

#1. I haven't really met famous people by the traditional definition of "famous". I'm not sure what that says about me. Has everyone else met famous people? Maybe so if there is an entire Me-Me dedicated to it. I guess because of this I'm clearly going for 7 weird things about myself. And yes, that was number 1.

#2. I have an extremely difficult time falling to sleep. Even with the pure exhaustion of being with kids 24/7 it's a rare night when I will fall asleep before an hour or more passes. Dakota is snoring within a minute or two of saying goodnight but not me....nope. I'm awake for freakin' ever.

#3. Upon waking at night, I repeat the entire not able to fall to sleep thing. The time varies but it's not unusual to have an hour go by. Not always, mind you. Just too often.

#4. I have to take a shower every single morning. Not because I smell bad (though I'm not claiming otherwise either) but because my hair turns into something *very* scary while I sleep. There is no way I could ever consider walking out the door without washing my hair in the morning - a brush or comb would never bring order to whatever happens while I sleep. I'm not exactly sure *what* happens but man is it frightening! :)

#5. I have an irrational fear of heights. It wasn't always the case but shortly after I broke my back I realized that I couldn't even look at movies when they were showing the height from the top of a building (or anything like that). I suppose you could chalk it up to rational/based on muscle memory or something since I fell 6ft when I broke my back but come on! It's just crazy! Three steps up on a ladder is pushing it. Crazy - I tell ya!

#6. The blankets on my bed must have satin binding on them. It's a carry over from childhood but I have to be able to feel the satin softness in my hands before I can relax and sleep. In fact, just yesterday I bought a fantastic blanket at Target. It's fluffy, incredibly soft and has the best satin binding I have *ever* held in my hands. It has become my new comfort item and I love, love, love it!

#7. I am actually having trouble coming up with weird things about myself. I just IM'd Dakota (who is at class) and she said it's because I'm not all that weird. That's kind of weird, right? Not being all that weird is kind of weird so yes, it counts. (Thanks, honey!) :) But seriously, I'll leave you with this one: I can not stand repetitive touch. That includes arm rubbing, massage, or even being breathed upon in a repetitive fashion. It makes my skin crawl.

Ok - there you have it. Seven weird things about me. Wasn't that just fascinating? :) And now for the rest of the game..I get to pick others to pass this along to. All my MOMS Club friends have private blogs but that won't stop me from tagging them. Here goes:


Tag girls - you are all IT! :)


Shannon said...

I have the same sleep problems, and Kim has the same repetitive touch issues. When she was in labour, her rule was that I wasn't allowed to rub her arm or her back because she can't stand it.

That was fun to read. You're definitely not very weird. I can do these things over and over again and never run out of weird things about myself... ;)

SassyFemme said...

That's sweet that Dakota said you're not that weird. I did this one and asked Fran, she rattled off quite a list to me!

Jen said...

I also get the extremely normal vibe from you, so it's nice to see you list some quirks!

Re: the sleep thing -- you poor thing. I can only imagine what the kids' infancy was like. (Or even now -- didn't you say Kaylen still gets up nearly every night? Maybe your spinal nerve stuff is messing with your sleep patterns as well -- maybe laying still is weirdly, subtly uncomfortable. You said you had to move all the time with this extreme tingling, right?)

Lynilu said...

Uhhmmmm. #7 - it's weird that you're not weird? Now that, Casey, is weird!!!

LOL! You're too funny!

I'm struggling with that blasted list myself. grrrr. I'm gonna get Caroline!

Monogram Queen said...

Hmmm repetetive touch issues? So no spa day for you i'm guessing!

Unknown said...

I'm game. Let me think about it.

You really aren't that weird Casey. I'm sure there are some medications that could change that if you're desperate :)

Stacey said...

Always fun to read these things.

I don't think I have 7 famous people that I've met. Hmmm. I've met Whoopi Goldberg (crazy meeting and then I chatted with her online later on), Amber Benson (Tara on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"), Joey Lawrence (remember "Blossom"?), various national sports news anchors here in Canada thanks to my wife's job, the guy who played C3P0 in the "Star Wars" movies...

I have been in the same room as a number of people though. Like Mike Myers, Ryan Phillipe, Selma Hyack (spelling?) (all when I was an extra in "54"), Ellen DeGeneres (stood in front of me for a segment on her show), and various Canadian celebrities (Canadian Idol hosts, "Degrassi" cast, etc.) for my wife's work Christmas party...

My wife has better stories than me like meeting Sean Connery and stuff. Mine seem lame in comparison. LOL