Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Such a Difference!

This morning started out a bit rocky with Kelton going back and forth between "I don't want to go to school!" and "Don't follow my bus. I want to do it by myself." Overall though, he wanted to go.

We finally settled on a plan. Kaylen and I put him on the bus and then drove to the school and waited at his classroom door. He walked from the bus to his room to find us. (If the buses arrive earlier than 9:10 (his has been first to arrive both days) the bus driver keeps the kids on the bus. Once the bell rings at 9:10, the bus doors open and kids come streaming off.) While Kaylen and I were waiting, the teacher listed on Kelton's paperwork put a list of names on the outside of her door. Kelton's name was not listed. I was hoping this meant the he was being moved into the other class. When the teacher finally opened her door I asked if that is indeed what it meant and yep, it did! When Kelton rounded the corner I went to him and broke the good news - he was so excited and kept saying "My dream came true! My dream came true!" (It's something he picked up in Disneyland last summer and says often when things go his way.)

We walked into the new room (next door to his first room) and was greeted with what I think a kindergarten room should look like. There were baskets of art supplies on the tables, baskets of books to keep them busy while everyone arrived and name tags taped to their spots. It was organized and Kelton had no trouble figuring out what to do. The teacher was greeting everyone and showing the kids where to hang their backpacks and jackets and then asked them to go find their seats. I looked at Kelton when he was in his seat and I said "So? Are you ready?" He gave me the biggest smile and said "Yep. I'm good. You can go." and he gave me a kiss.

I love that boy!!!!

I left the room feeling happy (Kaylen, however, was crying. She wanted to go outside and play on the playground. Silly girl.). I just know he is having a really good morning and I am really glad they switched teachers for him. I think he will respond really well to the new teacher because she was all he could talk about yesterday afternoon. He kept telling me how he wished he could be in her room and talked about how great her room was (he had gotten to go in and see it) so this really is his dream come true.

I feel soooooo relieved.


Anonymous said...

That's great news Casey!

I am so amazed at how much our lives/schedules have changed since Lukas started KG. No more relaxed mornings in jammies. No more eating breakfast late. It's get up, brush teeth, dress, throw food in mouth, walk out the door to be at school at 8:15. I love weekends even more now!


Melanie said...

Hallelujah! I'm glad for Kelton; it sounds like he will enjoy this new teacher a lot!

Audra said...

How GREAT!! I'm so happy for him!

Sheri said...

I took a blogging holiday and feel like I missed so much! I'm glad that everything is coming together for a truly happy kindergarten experience for ALL of you. That's great that they were able to switch classes for Kelton :-)

Stacey said...

that's great! a good teacher really makes all the difference.

Holly said...

That is so cool! It sounds like he will do wonderfully!