So....ummm...I'm thinking that this flare up of my Syringomyelia isn't going to be the usual "eh...I can do my best to shove it to the back of my mind and not focus on it" deal. Tonight, as I was putting the kids to bed, I noticed the long forgotten sensation is electric shocks coursing through my body along with the low rumbling feeling which defies explanation. All I know is my muscles start to feel fatigued - like I've run a really long marathon or moved really heavy office furniture up and down stairs. You know that feeling - the quivering sensations of your muscles. It's a feeling I had for weeks back when all this started....I had forgotten how it felt and I was ok with that. *sigh*
So. Not. Fun.
My neck pain is growing worse by the hour and it has gotten difficult to turn my head side to said. My back? It's spasming pretty badly.
Oh yes. It's a joy to be me right now...and yet, life doesn't stop. I still have to keep going and so I will.
Onward we go.
oof. That sucks. I hope it somehow gets better soon! or that you can find a good drug... What is the story behind how all of your back pain started? Does accupuncture help?
Here are links to the postings that explain a lot of it:
Breaking my back:
Discovering the syringomyelia:
I probably have meds to help that too but can't give them away. a) you would not want them anyhow b) they are a controlled substance and oh yeah c) they are not mine. :) I have a feeling that you are a much better patient though. Shhh don't tell R. Or maybe you should so he will stop whining about it.
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