I'm feeling overwhelmed today. My To Do list is long and involved. I've done several of the "easier" things this morning but there is still much on it. I have a PTO meeting to run on Thursday and the school stuff is really stressing me out. Word of the cuts being made for next year is harsh. We are losing so much. The computer lab (and our amazing teacher), our librarian, and one of my favorite staff people is being cut to half-time. Kindergarten is moving to full-time with the entire school having early release on Wednesdays.
I don't want the students to lose computer lab. What is that going to mean for all the kids who don't have computers in their homes (for our population that is about 40-50% of the population. Possibly higher.) I don't want to lose David, the teacher. He is amazing and involved deeply with our PTO. And out PTO has precious few people on it. Four parents and six teachers. We are already struggling and are overworked. For everyone who votes against school bonds and replacement levy's? This is what happens when there is no funding available. I know it's easy to say you don't care if you don't currently have kids in the system but for the rest of us? This is so very important and has the potential for setting our kids, our sweet babies, up for not being able to keep pace with the rest of the world. The US is already so far behind all things academic.
And the truth is, depending on many things, I might not be with the PTO next year. I'm conflicted on that but mostly I am stressed out on the job front. I really need things to come together.
There is just a lot going on right now on all sides. And today I am finding it hard to get it all done.
I know how you feel about the school levy's.. isn't it amazing how frugal we are with the students who become the countries next presidents and mayors and such? You would think that we would put as much as possible into educating the next generation; for they are the future.. It really aggravates me. But you do alot for K's school (I don't even know what school it is) I'm sure all the other moms are grateful that you take the time and energy to make things happen. We need more moms like you!
I just think the school need to better budget their money....some of the older people just CAN'T pay more.....we all have to live on a budget....and what about people who don't have kids in schools? Why should we keep paying for other peoples children? just saying it has to stop somewhere....yes my children are out of school and have been for years.......and what about people who have NEVER had any children....I could say I should keep paying for 12 years after my last child is out of school so at least I have paid back but forever.....sorry
In the scheme of things - it's a small price to pay for being a strong, well educated country and society. It's a big picture view.
True Casey but I am tired of paying for everyone else......yes we vote today and yes we also have a levy on the vote and no I am no voting for it.....I just can't afford it any more....can't see throwing good money after bad....maybe if the school would show us that they are trying then maybe but as of right now sorry not my vote.....
P.S. if you want a strong Educated child then send them to private.....and if you say you can't afford it then why should I have to afford for your child? just saying...
A community can only be as strong as it's weakest link....when that weakest link is the school system, the entire community is in trouble.
Yes, schools need to show that they are making the best use of resources, be accountable, but they need the resources to begin with before progress can be made.
Mimi makes an interesting point. No kids in the school - shouldn't have to pay. Using this logic, if you never think you will need the fire dept. or ambulance service, stop paying there, too. Maybe you have never called the police dept., stop paying them. Never drive on the freeway near your house? No point in funding road improvements...It is a slippery slope. Funding schools is a price we pay for being in the kind of society we have built.
I do get the strain this causes for those on fixed incomes and others. Still, there has to be a better answer than the severe cuts schools are absorbing.
It is a huge strain for many states right now. The fallout of the housing market has axed many school budgets and many tough decisions need to be made.I understand the comments about having to pay for schools etc for people who do not have children.
Every person we encounter everyday has had some type of education. We do rely on others. If education is cut to severely then everyday living will suffer as well. That's why I think it is important to support the schools as much as possible.
I agree. All agency funded by tax/levy revenues need to be responsible with the funds. And it isn't just those living on fixed incomes who feel that way (by fixed incomes, I assume you mean senior citizen and around here they get a 50% break on property taxes). But do we really want to go to the "pay as you use" society? Check out this link: http://consumerist.com/2010/02/california-town-to-start-charging-up-to-400-for-911-calls.html In Tracy, California, if you decide not to pay for 911 service, you pay as you go. And do you really want to make that decision when your dinner guest is choking or you think they are having a heart attack? "Oh, I'm sorry - we didn't pay for 911 coverage. Let me check with the neighbors and see if they did...."
Roads are the same way. "I usually don't drive this highway but today I need to go vist my great Aunt Edna who has been moved to the hospital over on this side of town. I guess you can put that $50 on my credit card"
I don't have kids and I don't like paying more than I have to in taxes. But the neighbors have kids. And if their kids don't get a good education and a plan for the future, what kind of life do they have? And what does that mean to me? Teens and young adults without future opportunities probably aren't people I want for a neighbor because statistically people without financial options turn to drugs, alcohol and crime. And I don't want that in my neighborhood. So yes, I pay taxes for schools....
Just saying!
Since property values rise if the schools are better, I don't understand people who won't vote for school levies -- even if they don't have children in the schools.
Again just my opinion…I just don’t think the older people can AFFORD more and more taxes……and as for pay as you go….humm never thought about that….sounds good to me…….I baby-sit for two firemen and all of the people that abuse that system needs to be put into check…..I mean if you have to pay 50 for the squad to pick you up then maybe instead of calling them you just run down to the store and buy your own aspirin…..and maybe it because I am very healthy and I just don’t get some things and no matter what we do we will always have people to abuse the systems…..yeah in our schools the levy didn’t pass and I’m ok with it….(it faliled by 73% so I'm not the only one) now maybe they will learn how to use the money in a better way……again I KNOW the school system waste soooo much money it’s sad…..not sure what the answer is but again that is why people get to vote so we all can be heard again sorry I don’t agree…..I know voting is very touchy….
P.S. as for the pay as you go.....I like that idea....we would be able to pick and choose....love it...I would pay for 911 etc....I voted for our fire department and for our income tax that we have NEVER had before...and if finally passed and I'm ok with that....I don't want people to think I don't vote for anything.....I just think the school systems needs to get there stuff in check.....again just my opinion......
So what is it that the new income tax going to go to? Because where ever it's going, I'm sure they just need to figure out how to budget better as well, why do they deserve more money? It's not just schools having these issues. Of course I'm all for school vouchers that you can take to any school to help pay for private education if you so choose, but that has been a battle here in CA since when I was in school. I think it's hard for someone without school age kids to get it because they already had the luxury of having their children complete school when these issues weren't as prevalent. Personally I am not happy with any of my local public schools and although I can't really afford private, there are also none in the area that I would choose to send my son to, nor can I just up and move to find something better.
I do get the income issues, believe me. We live mo to mo with little to no disposable income and it stinks, but I often worry that my son will get lost in a school system that could care less. It's stressful right now as he starts Kinder next year and I'm at a loss.
Tanya like I said we have NEVER has an income tax before.....and we need it....now if in the future I feel they're not using the funds right then no I will not vote for it....again the schools need to budget their money and quit spending on silly things again just me opinion.....
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