Sunday, January 24, 2010

Too Much Sugar Before Bed

I learned an important lesson last night: too much sugar before bed makes for a very bad night for Kaylen. I hadn't been asleep even an hour when I woke to the sounds of hysterical crying. I was confused with where it was coming from and why but I finally shook the cobwebs from my head and went into Kaylen's room. I found her sitting up sobbing and wanting Dakota.

I finally got her settled and returned to my bed. And then we repeated the scenario a couple more times.

Gotta watch that sugar in the evening, I guess. :)

In other news, the kids and I went grocery shopping yesterday and it was wildly successful! I laid down the ground rules before we left the house and they did exactly what I said I expected. It was awesome! No whining for Pokemon trading cards, no asking for things not on the list such as an led hdtv or some other outrageous item.

It went so well and I was so proud of them. So proud of us, actually. What a great first grocery shopping trip as a family of three.


Unknown said...

Whoooops, sorry about that :( Jeri

Anonymous said...

Sorry. Hope you get some sleep tonight.

Tanya said...

So glad you're shopping trip was a success. :) I am very fortunate to have a child who rarely asks for stuff and usually never has a fit if I say we can't get it (remind me of this when needed), but on the same hand must touch EVERYTHING. I guess I give up one for the other. Oh and my boss told me one time I shouldn't tell J we can't get something because it's too much or we can't afford it. I was like huh? It's the truth and he needs to know it.