I have a weird virus......it's like a cold but not. In the mornings I feel so-so. It's hard to explain really. I just don't feel well but nothing specific. By about 11am, I can feel it creeping up and I notice I start getting congested. By about 1pm I am very congested and my cough is in full swing and my throat feels a little sore - not terribly sore like a few days ago but still sore.. My head gets even more "stuffed with cotton" feeling and I feel a step off of everything. I definitely feel like I have a pretty bad cold.
I go to bed feeling not good at all, sleep not all that great because I'm congested and coughing only to wake up in the morning and repeat the cycle. It's been going on for three days now and it's the weirdest thing. This morning I don't feel nearly as "ok" as in mornings past. I think the cold is winning.
Uhmmm. I'm glad I'm not there. Just in case.
Hope you're well soon!
it sounds like allergies to me, Casey.
Are you taking anything?
Kristen: Nope. Not allergies. A cold for sure though.
Deborah: Nothing during the day but I did slug back NyQuil the past two nights. As a rule, I don't like to take medication. No matter what it is, it makes me feel too weird.
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