Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Day Before Thanksgiving

I have to wonder how, or if, I will keep up with posting every day over the next few days. With the holiday weekend it does bring a special set of circumstances to it and I have to say that I'm ok with not completing the challenge. I think I've done well this far and I'm happy with that....but then again, I do have a competitive streak in me so you just never know. :)

The weird virus I had with symptoms that came and went? settled in for a nice little visit in the form of cold. Nothing says "Aren't you glad we came to visit?!" like congestion, a cough and a very raspy voice. It should be interesting though as I move about the world this weekend how many people look crosswise at me when I cough. *I* know it's just a cold but considering the wide-spread fear of H1N1 being shared along with good food and drink well, I'm sure I'll be getting "looks".

Tis the season! Pass the Purell, please. :)


Kristen said...

maybe write a couple posts today about totally random things and set them to post over the weekend. Cheating? Sure. But it will *look* like you did it :)

Anonymous said...

Excuse me? You are sick? Then you can stand in the front yard and we can talk thru the window.....

Casey said...

Lannon - did you not notice that my voide sounded terrib;e and that I was coughing? :)

It's just a cold - and I promise not to chew on any of your toys. :)