Monday, September 14, 2009

Orange Belted Karate Boy

Friday was a big day for Mr. Kelton. It was the day he left his yellow belt behind and graduated to his orange belt.

He has been working very hard to get all the moves down in order to pass his test and last Wednesday he did it! He passed the test!

So Friday evening we all piled into the car and drive to the high school where the graduation ceremony was held. I was so proud of my boy - up there on that stage (being blinded by the bright lights) going through the paces to show off all he has learned.

Way to go, Kelton! We are very proud of you!
Kaylen waiting patiently for it to begin. She did great this time around and was really fun to watch as she rocked out the high energy music that played. :)
Kelton on the stage. He is right below the orange writing on the sign (he is in the front row).
The happy graduate!

After graduation we stopped by McDonald's to pick up fries and milkshakes to celebrate then it was home for a weekend of camping in the yard! The weather report was for a nice weekend so Friday, in 93 degree heat, Kaylen and I put up the tent for a last camping hooray. It was a fun weekend (more to come later on the rest of it)!


Patti_Cake said...

I picked him out without you pinpointing! Way to go Kelton!!!

Lynilu said...

Yay, Kelton!!

Melanie said...

Rock on, Kelton! :)

Anonymous said...

Go, Keltie!

Tanya said...

Go Kelton!!! And Kaylen looks so big!