Tuesday, July 14, 2009


The kids are in Vacation Bible School...or as we call it...Day Camp....this week. While it definitely has a different feel and look to it this year, they are both having fun which, in my book, is all that matters.

Kaylen is in the preschool through kindergarten class which runs for 3 hours. When I picked her up yesterday the teacher told me what a great listener she is. I love hearing that. :) She seemed so happy and chattered on about all they had done.

Kelton is in the second grade group. When I picked him up he said "Was that really 6 hours?" I said it was fully expecting a "Wow! It went so fast!" Instead I got "It felt like 10." I wasn't sure how to take that so I just let it sit. By the time we got back from karate he was sharing bits and pieces of his day and singing a few songs. He was very eager to return this morning so I'm guessing he was just tired from his day. :)

It's strange being at home for 3 hours alone. I mean - I'm ok with it but it's a little on the lonely side. I miss the kiddos but I am so glad they are having fun and that I am getting a 3 hour daily mandated break for the week. I do believe this is the most down time in a single week I have ever had. It might be the most down time in a month that I've had in at least the last 4 years. :)

In a couple weeks the kids and I head north so that Kelton can attend day camp with his cousin. It actually worked out so that Dakota would have three full days to study without us being around before the bar starts (those are bound to be intense days). Then she has the bar dates to just be as focused as she needs to be. When the bar is over, she will take the train up to meet us. I'm already trying to figure out what I need to take for the week. We're staying a couple days at my brother's house and then moving down to my sister's house. I know we'll need a good amount of stuff but I'm pretty sure there won't be a need for >long distance movers. That said, the last time I went to Seattle for "a week" it turned into five so who really knows. Goodness knows I needed movers for the trip home after those five weeks. :)

While Kelton attends camp during the day Kaylen and I will be left to our own devices. I know that a couple days we'll hang out with her younger cousin, Parker and I know that one two other days we will be meeting up with two different friends. One I haven't seen in about 14 years (!) and the other I haven't seen since the day of my mom's funeral two years ago. I'm looking forward to catching up (face to face instead of facebook to facebook) with both of them.


Dakota said...

Hope you enjoyed your break today! I just got 72% on a test with a stated goal of 55%, so I am having a good day!

Enjoy the sun with Kaylen this afternoon!

Audra said...

Sounds like a fun trip! Tentatively, we're heading up there late July early August. Somewhere between the 27th-10th ish.

We're probably driving again. UGH. LOL

LB said...

Hey...I had a moment so thought I'd try to catch up on you & your family outside of Farm Town updates!! ;-) Anyway, is that me you referrred to as not seeing in 14 years?? YIKES!! I can't believe its been that long...would you consider 11-12?!!!! Anyway I am looking forward to seeing you and meeting your adorable daughter!! I only wish I could see Dakota and meet Kelton too.