Saturday, July 18, 2009

How Many Times?

That is the question I pose today: How many times will I slam my head against a wall before I think "Hey - this hurts. I should stop."?

I took the kids out in the world today. As it turns out, it wasn't my smartest move. I'm thinking, seriously, it would have been more fun, peaceful and lovely to just stay home and read a Colonix review. No kidding.

And I'm not sure why it turned out as horrifying as it did because it started out quite well. I decided that, instead of cutting Kelton's hair myself as I have always done, I'd take him to Supercuts. I was pretty sure I gave clear directions: trimmed, not too short, cleaned up and evened out but long enough so that it's still curly. She asked about using the clippers - I said absolutely not. I did NOT want it clipper short (hey I can do that myself). I wanted it left long enough so that it stayed curly looking.

So not what I got.

I keep telling myself that the wedding is in two weeks and the only difference between a bad haircut (or, in this case, a short one) and a good haircut is two weeks. I know it will look better by the wedding but I'm so not happy with the current shortness.

At any rate - that part went fine enough as far as behavior. Then we went to the mall to go to the bookstore. The kids have asked for their own bibles so we went out to find easy to understand bible stories. Kaylen found a baby bible story book and completely lost her mind with wanting it. We're talking fuzzy bunny cover, board book pages and, oh right, $20. Too bad little girl - not happening. We left the store in "pulled back together" shape and headed to Target to buy a birthday gift for a party that Kelton has been invited (which is tomorrow). As I drove I gave what I *thought* were clear instructions: We are there to buy a birthday gift. That is all. If you follow these rules and behave yourselves, you may pick out a candy bar to have after lunch."

Apparently I need to work on my "clear instructions." Kelton started in on wanting the cool new Bakugan thing that he wanted to get his friend. Then it was "How about this one" It's ONLY $5." I repeated what we were there for. He kept at me.

Que the MAJOR meltdown by a 4 year old who kept screaming "I WANT SOMETHING!" and "YOU AREN'T LISTENING TO ME! I WANT SOMETHING!"

Que Kelton joining in the chorus of "I want".

Que Kaylen going into full on 4 year old tantrum.

Que Kelton seeing his opportunity of breaking my will thinking that if he begs long enough and loud enough he will get his way.

Not so, my friends.

I picked up the gift item (and cursed that the party was tomorrow because otherwise I would have left everything), took their hands and began walking them to the front of the store (and seriously people. Can we NOT put the toy aisles in the back of the store? Moms would really rather have a quicker getaway with obnoxiously screaming and crying children then dragging them through the entire store as people stare. Talk about the walk of shame. *sigh* ).

The crying and whatnot continued (though Kelton did manage to pull himself together but was still surly and obnoxious). I paid for the birthday gift and walked them out of the car.

Now don't think for a minute that I was calm and peaceful once we got to the car. I was anything but. Among other things, they were told they were to go to their rooms immediately upon entering the house and that they better make themselves comfy because it would be a while before I was calm enough to deal with them.

After we got home they did indeed go to Kelton's room (they asked if they could go to the same room and honestly - I didn't care. I just wanted them away from me.). I took care of the things that needed to be done and then made a lunch of grilled cheese. I took it to Kelton's room, handed them their dishes and closed the door.

Trust me - it was better that way for all of us.

We've all had some breathing space now and maybe, just maybe, we'll have a better afternoon.

A girl can hope, can't she?


Tina said...

OMG!! This was SOOO me on Wednesday. I loved that you opened the door and gave them the grilled cheese and shut it again! PRICELESS!!

Dakota said...

Hmmm....yes, I do feel somewhat better about my horrid MBE practice test now. Thanks! :)

Sorry it has been a sucky day. You can turn it around - have a great afternoon! I will be here, learning. I hope.

Lielanie said...

Those days make me wonder why we don't eat our young.

Audra said...

What a day! I'm pretty sure my mom had to deal with my brother and I like that. Only my brother and I *hated* each other and were a wreck together.

Kristen said...

that sucks girl. I think a lot of the time-outs are for the parents to get their cool. I know lots of them at this house are. I hope the day gets better for you, or at least doesn't get worse :(

Anonymous said...

what cute little scamps.....
There was a reason EVERYTHING we had came from the Sears catalog and Mom had birthday presents for parties in her closet!

Melanie said...

Oh yes, the "Walk of Shame". I know it ALL TOO WELL. You did a perfect thing keeping them away from you to save your sanity (or what remained of it!). And I LOVED the lunch in the room, shut the door again. ha ha ha ha!!! Hope your evening was WAY better Casey!!

Unknown said...

Wow, you HAVE been a blogging fool! I'm sorry to hear Target went so poorly, and I am SO with you on the dumb location of the toy aisle. What are these marketing morons thinking?!

Jen said...

I LOVE that you gave them lunch in Kelton's room. I think that was brilliant and probably a strategy I will employ soon.