Thursday, May 07, 2009

Out of Pocket

I am going to be, as they say, out of pocket for the next week. Dakota finished up law school today (WAAAAAA-HOOOOOOOO!!!!) and to celebrate we are grabbing the kids and heading out to the coast for a nice long stretch of time to just be together.

We are all so excited. On many, many counts. :)

Before we hit the road though I thought I would leave you with a few images of life this past week:

Saturday morning homework time:

A rainbow that Dakota and I saw on Saturday night. It was amazing - going from barely noticeable to vivid and from barely there to a complete arc. Very awesome.
Kaylen had a dental appointment and I am happy to report she is cavity-free! :)

Kaylen learned to draw a snail. :)

One of the Mom's at school decided to deck Kaylen out in a sari. She was less than thrilled but looked oh so cute.

And I cleaned Kaylen's disaster of a corner in her room and closet.
This corner was a mess of stuffed animals, dolls and books. I kid you not when I say it was terrible. Not any more. The animals and dolls are in bins and the books in a bookshelf. Ahhhh! It feels so much better in there! :) And no, I didn't take before pictures. It was *that* bad.
So that's it - have a great week and I'll see you on the flip side.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A whole week?! Now I really have to hate you for getting the retreat! But oh so well deserved - go Dakota! Love the pics. saris are for princesses, doesn't Kaylen know that?!