Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Was It Really My Cooking?

Well......she is definitely NOT better. She fell asleep on my lap around 2pm today and woke up at 4. After being up for a bit she complained of her tummy hurting (a common complaint since this all started Friday night). A while later she said she was hungry and asked for a scrambled egg. 20 minutes after eating it, she climbed on my lap, snuggled in and........barfed all over me.

So..I guess we're onto phase 2 of her being sick. Lovely.

But on a sort of funny note - after getting everything cleaned up she said she was hungry again and I told her that I didn't want her to eat just yet because her tummy had just gotten sick after she ate the eggs. She said "Hey mom - I think it was your cooking that made me sick!"

Oh sure - every one's a critic of my cooking. *sigh*

(PS..once life returns to it's usual state, I have birthday party pictures to share. And S, if you are reading this I wanted to let you know that Martian Matter was a huge, huge hit! I have to admit that it's even fun for the mom. :) He passed up cake and ice cream so that he could assemble and play with it immediately. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!)


Froggymama said...

Poor little thing. I hope she is feeling better soon. xoxo

SassyFemme said...

Hope she's feeling better soon.

Shannon said...

Aww, poor Kaylen. I hope she gets over this quickly.

Audra said...

aww poor gal. hope things start feeling better!

Monogram Queen said...

So sorry she is sick. I went through two week-ends of same. Mad would try eat and then *barf* but how do you tell them "no" when they are hungry? Arrghh... Get better soon sweet Kaylen

domi2.5 said...

Awww, hope she feels better soon.