Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Painting, Swimming and Having Fun

This morning, before I had even finished my first cup of coffee, Kaylen decided she wanted to paint. Not with watercolors, mind you...oh no, those would be too easy for Mommy to clean up. She wanted and bright containers of washable poster paints from Crayola. I can't really blame her - they are a lot of fun to use. Now while I am all for texture exploration by children I have to say; this is just not something that a mom should have to face before an entire cup of caffeine has been consumed.

And because paint to Kelton is like flowers to wasn't long before his "no thanks" about painting changed to a big, messy yes.

(if you look closely at this next photo, you will see my unfinished coffee cup sitting on the counter next to the very handy wipes for easier clean up)

Once the fun was done, I scooped them up and tossed them in the tub. It's the only way to go! :)

After cleaning them up, and cleaning up the mess left behind, I decided to fill the pool in the hopes that it would warm up by early afternoon. It was supposed to be 86 today but I think it only got to 82. Plenty warm for me, mind you. Here are a couple shots from the pool party.

The day held lots more fun including a very lively game of "Adventure" which is when the kids dress up in their adventure gear and we pretend to go to strange and new places. This afternoon we found Saturn, Pluto and Mars (different size balls in the yard) and we hiked up rugged mountain terrain (play structure) to an iceberg laden lake (their pool). Later we were attacked by wild bears (their stuffed animals) and had to build a fort to keep us save (couch cushions). At one point Kelton ran over to me, hugged me and said "You are great at this imagination stuff!" :)

It was a really fun day around here. Really, really fun.


Brenda said...

Looks like it was a fun day. The kids sure kept you busy! :o)

Monogram Queen said...

Yay for a really, really fun day!

Dee said...

I want to be a kid at your house!

Unknown said...

I love the imagination part, what a neat thing to spend the day doing. You are a brave woman about those paints, it gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about cleaning it all up!

Caroline said...

What a great day you guys had. I love the quality of pictures your camera takes. I have only had mine for 6 months, but I am thinking I need one just like you.

Caroline said...

P.S. Just like Dee...I want to be a kid at your house as well.

Casey said...

Brenda: Busy is an understatement but then, you know this. You know my kids. :)

Shannon: It was.

Patti_Cake: Indeed. I needed one.

Dee: Well then - come on over! :)

Seasonal: That's the thing about staying at home - you just have to let them do all those messy projects and deal with the yuck. I keep reminding myself how much they are having and somehow, it makes it all worth it.

Caroline: Thanks! And you are welcome to come play whenever you'd like. :)

Froggymama said...

Great pictures. I love the one of Kelton smoochin Kaylen.