Sunday, July 08, 2007

My Daughter

My daughter is a force to be reckoned with. There is no doubt whatsoever that she is her own person and her personal style shall not compromised for anyone or anything. Now admittedly, I am a bit of a control freak when it comes to the clothes my kids wear and how their rooms are decorated. More and more though, the five year old is starting to buck under this which is to be expected. I've had 5 great years of dressing him the way I wanted and having his room exactly as I pleased.

I did *not* expect the 2 year old to start fighting me on things at the tender age of 14 months. And now? Forget it. She will wear what she wants and she will rearrange her room as she sees fit whenever the mood strikes her. This is evidenced by the pink shorts and green shirt she was wearing yesterday and by the red Winnie the Pooh shirt she was wearing the day before with pastel flowered capri's. Oh yes, she is a sight some days. I joke that I need to have t-shirts printed up that say "I dress myself" but I'm not exactly kidding when I say it. :)

Lately I've been looking at kids bedding for her room. Currently she has a plain white duvet cover on her queen sized bed. The duvet is starting to acquire stains I can't get out thanks to both the children and the big dog who likes to sleep on her bed. It's a no brainer that pink should be the color of choice but that's where my daughter and I stop agreeing. I like subtle and she likes bright. Very, very bright. These are the two that we looked at today. Guess which one is my choice and which is hers.

I'm in no rush to decide since I've only recently started looking around but I am humored that every time I sit down at the computer she will walk by and say "Shopping for me? Let ME see!" and then she proceeds to pick out the things she likes. Sure, I try to sway her but this girl.......she is as sure of her own style as the day is long.

Life with her is going to be very interesting as we go along.


Pam said...

One vote for Kaylen's pick! :-p

Isn't it amazing how opinionated they are. I brought home some shorts for Piper and she looked at them and said "I am not wearing those!" I am not looking forward to the teenage years.

SassyFemme said...

Oh my gosh, so sure of herself at her age? Oh this is going to be a fun journey! I like her choice, btw. :)

Froggymama said...

That's hilarious. I agree, the butterfly duvet is cuter, but the bright pink will probably mean more to her. When I was 10 my mom let me completely decorate my room, carpet, paint, everything. It was a brave move on my mom's part and sadly I chose pepto bismol carpet, and bad 80's decor. But I LOVED it. And it meant so much that my mom let me decide. She didn't even say, "Are you sure you want THAT dresser?" And I know she was dying to. The carpet in my old bedroom is still that hideous pink, and I think we're both holding onto it, because it was my 10 year old idea of what was beautiful. And I love the idea of a shirt that says, "I dress myself!"

Brenda said...

I prefer the second bedding choice, but they are both very very cute. As for Kaylen - you go girl!!! She is an amazing little 2 year old!

Monogram Queen said...

Very interesting indeed and we have something very similar, if not exactly like your pick! It's a "sub" for the bright Strawberry Shortcake bedding that will soon be replaced.
They are too funny with their little opinions. We had a phase where she wore pink cowgirl boots with EVERYTHING.

Casey said...

Pam: Yeah - the teenage years. Not so much looking forward to all that drama.

SassyFemme: It seems that almost everyone likes her choice. Even Dakota. :P

FroggyMama: We should start a business and make "toddler speak" t-shirts. That would be hysterical. :)

Brenda: She really, really is.

Patti_Cake: Cowboy boots. Funny! :) Kaylen is into her pink crocs. Refuses to wear anything else. *sigh* Girls. :)