Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall....

Maybe I'm crazy or maybe it's wishfull thinking but today, day nine of working out, I happened to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I had to do a double take. Was that really me? I think I look a little different, a little better, a little thinner. Could it be? WooooooHooooooo!!!!!

And yes, I got in another 30 child interruption free minutes of working out today. That's nice entire days of working out each and every day.

Oh - and "The Shawna Update": She called last night about 9:30 to say that she was home (7.5 hours in the ER YUCK!). From what the CT scan showed it was a newly ruptured ovarian cyst. As I have been there, done that in my lifetime, I can tell you; that pain is NOT fun! The good news is that the fluid should reabsorb without incident and she should be fine in a few days. Thank goodness! Thanks for your good thoughts and prayers for her. :)


Dakota said...

You are looking fabulous, honey! I am so proud of your dedication to working out. You are putting me to shame!

Love you,

Unknown said...

Youch on the cyst! Hurray for you for working out. It's a good thing :)

Audra said...

congrats on the treadmill success! I am hoping that when I move into our new apartment, I will be able to afford one from craigslist as well!

SassyFemme said...

Yeah for you on the working out thing! We're dieting, but not doing so well on the working out regularly thing.

Lynn said...

A big congrats lady!!!Nine days is a long time when you are trying to develop a habit. Way to Go!

Anonymous said...

you are rockin it casey! (thanks for all the blog love too - i'm just taking it easy today because youch is right!

Casey said...

Dakota: That's my goal. Put you to shame. :)

Seasonal: Thanks - so far, it feels like a good thing. :)

Audra: Thank you - I highly recommend it for everyone.

SassyFemme: Thank you!

Lynn: Thank you, too! :)

Shawna: Thanks. :) And I'm happy to send all the blog love I can your way. :) Feel better soon. We have scrappin' day on Saturday and you HAVE to be there!!!

Monogram Queen said...

GREAT for you and good for Shawna too.
Isn't Dakota sweeeeeet!!!!

Casey said...

Patti-Cake: You'd think that, wouldn't you? :) :) Hahahahahaha!