Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Life is amazing!

Right now I am listening to the happy sounds of Kaylen and her friend, Hailey, playing in the yard. Back and forth they run from the swing set to the playhouse. Happy sounds - ones that I have missed so much since moving.

At our old house, the kids had friends over all the time. Especially Kaylen, my little social butterfly. But since moving here, they haven't had friends over. I don't know the parents of their classmates, and they don't know me. That always makes it a bit more tricky. Kaylen had friends over to Dakota's house for her birthday party but this is the first time we have had a friend here. I am enjoying it as much as the girls are. :)

Kelton is doing well too. He is not a social butterfly but even he is slowly, but surely, making friends. We are in the planning process for a birthday party for him. He is nervous because it means he has to "come out" to his friends about his family. At Crestline, everyone knew Kelton had two moms. Here though, he had elected to keep it quiet so he is working with his counselor on how to tell his friends. It's hard to watch him struggle with it though I did know this day would eventually come. Well - sorta. Because I never, ever considered they would change elementary schools, I only really anticipated handling the "coming out" process in small bits as new students became part of their lives. But - it is what it is. I am who I am. Our family is what it is.

As I remind Kelton, he didn't pick his family any more than other kids picked theirs.

This weekend my sister, brother in law, brother, sister in law, niece, and the five of us are getting together for a trip to the beach! We are all really looking forward to spending time together. I can't wait! The weather will be so-so, according to the forecast but who cares?! We will all be together and it's going to be much needed family time.

And speaking of families.....big news in my corner of the world: Stephanie and I are getting married! As in legally hitched. Forever and always....and all that. We have been engaged for a long while but about a month ago, we decided it was time to set the date. So it's official. On November 12, 2013, we will be getting married. The date is totally fun......11-12-13! Yep, a Tuesday. We are VERY excited....and so are the kids!

The planning feels daunting from where I sit but I know it will all fall into place just as it should. With a love like this, the details don't so much matter. Spending the rest of our lives together is all that truly matters. I have never been happier or more sure of anything than I am with Stephanie. I am lucky, and very blessed to love, and to be loved back, so deeply.

So yes....life is indeed amazing. And wonderful. :)

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