Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rocking the To Do Lists

I have things to do today and yet here I am - blogging. I'll get my To Do list done though because that's what I do. Every night, when I crawl into bed I can honestly say that I have done everything I needed to do in any given day. I'm a list person. Mental or physical, the list is checked off each and every day. Hmmm...OCD much, Case? :) Yeah sorta BUT I can close my eyes knowing I did what needed to be done. To me, it's worth the stress most of the time.

Sure - some days it means I am sending off resumes at 10pm but no one says I have to job hunt at 9AM, right? :) The glory of the Internet is that things are open 24/7. I can apply for jobs, I can print of coupons, heck....I can even shop in the middle of the night. Now if you are, say, looking for attorney tucson you could Google and research but you couldn't really make contact until business hours but still...the flexibility of the Internet ROCKS. Thankfully, contacting an attorney is NOT on my To Do list. :)

What is on my list besides the never job hunting? A haircut. I need one in a big way. So does Kaylen but we'll have to see how today plays out. It might be that I ask Dakota to take her this weekend.

Also on my list is picking up a birthday gift for my great niece. That one is pretty easy - she is turning 10 so make up and hair accessories are the order of the day.

I best get moving. Time is ticking.

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