Sunday, January 09, 2011

Productive Weekend

Wow - it's been an incredibly productive weekend. It took hours and hours, three trips to the dump and two trips to Goodwill but....after six years I am now able to park INSIDE the garage.

Inside. As in not outside.

It made me giddy to drive my car and park it inside the garage.


It was so weird to look out my front window this morning and not see my car. Parking in a garage...what a novel concept. :)

I gave up my parking spot six years ago this month when we moved all the infant equipment into the house (to prepare for Kaylen's birth) and tons of Kelton's 2 year old toys into a make-shift play area in the garage. It was necessary at the time and then...slowly but surely, the garage became a storage unit for.....well....everything. But now? Now I can park in my garage. YES YES YES!!!

And as if this weekend wasn't great enough, I went out and about with Cande and one of the places she had to go was a consignment store. I found the cutest jacket and purse all for under $20. I may not have won the Mega Millions Lottery but I struck gold this weekend!

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